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Press kit

Feb 28,

Emobot featuring in famous french newspaper Les Echos

We are thrilled to announce that Emobot was recently featured in the famous french daily newspaper Les Echos on Friday, February 24, 2023.

We are incredibly grateful and proud of our team for their hard work and dedication to our mission.

The article is thorough: it traces our journey, describes how Emobot works, and shares our prospects for development. We are honored to have our efforts recognized.

Thanks to Chantal Houzelle and Les Echos for sharing our story.

Link to the online article ->
Feb 27,

France 24 news television: "When tech plays with our emotions"

In its February 3, 2023 Tech 24 broadcast, France 24 highlights Emobot.

Guillaume Grallet offers a very clear explanation of how Emobot works. We recommend watching it on replay here.

The article and the show offer a comprehensive overview of Emobot's capabilities and the implications of this technology.

Link to the replay ->
Feb 27,

Emobot was invited on Tech Hebdo

CES was good, but to share the experience is even better!

On Monday, January 30, 2023, Samuel Lerman, Emobot's Product Director, talked about Emobot's participation in CES, the partnerships obtained in the United States, our ambition to make Emobot a medical device capable of detecting neuro-psychiatric disorders, and the emotional diary that tracks the emotional state of loved ones, which is already functional in some nursing homes.

It was also an opportunity to talk about disruptive technologies in general. A program that we strongly advise you to watch.

The replay is available on Youtube here.

A big thank you to François Sorel, Jérôme Colombain and Laure Foulquier for their welcome!

Link to the replay ->
Jan 9,

CES 2023 is over. An exceptional event!

The CES was:

Several groups interested.
In deploying in hospitals, clinics or at home! including the AARP, the largest organization of seniors and AgeTech in the United States.

Great encounters.
We were able to explain to Mr. Jean-Noël Barrot French Minister of Digital Transition, Ms. Valérie Pécresse, President of the Paris Region the problematics Emobot solves, a disruptive AI that follows the emotional state continuously to monitor mental health, at home or in clinics

Exceptional media coverage.
Over twenty articles published in the press. 

A golden opportunity to shed light on a disruptive innovation aimed at improving the well-being of seniors.

Link to the articles about Emobot ->
Dec 24,

Emobot was invited to highly watched French TV news BFM TV!

🚀 Emobot, what an adventure!

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, Antony Perzo, CTO of Emobot, was invited by François Sorel in his Tech&Co show on BFM Business.

On this occasion, he was able to present our vision and our project to improve the daily life of isolated people and their loved ones: Emobot, a device capable of continuously monitoring the emotional state of a person and thus helping to identify the warning signs of psycho-emotional disorders, powered by AI.

Connected to the TV, it also allows to make a video and to exchange messages with his relatives, only thanks to the voice, in order to help to maintain the social link and so to fight against the loneliness.

The replay is available here.

Many thanks to Léa Benaim and François Sorel for their warm welcome.

Link to the press release ->
Dec 23,

Famous French newspaper Le Parisien talks about Emobot!

Famous French newspaper Le Parisien published on December 19, 2022 an article which retraces the history of Emobot, from its creation, through the problems it addresses, to the current state of the company and its perspectives.

Please discover our history in this article.

Link to the press release ->
Nov 26,

Emobot intervenes in the debate of Silver Economy Expo event on Wednesday, November 30 from 14h to 15h

📣 #SilverExpo
"Innovation is essential to meet the challenges of the longevity society".

📅 Come and see us at the Silver Economy Expo debate, on Wednesday, November 30 from 2:00 to 3:00 pm, in hall 5.1 of the Palais des expositions at Porte de VersaillesDebate led by Juliette Viatte, editor-in-chief of news blog Géroscopie.
Appointment not to be missed!

🎙 3 start-ups (TokTokDoc, Zoe Care et Emobot, represented by their CTO, Antony Perzo) tell their story, their ambitions and their doubts. Alongside them, experts, Christiane Flouquet, director of development of social action Île-de-France at the CNAV and Laurent Levasseur, chairman of the board at Bluelinea, ready to challenge their innovations.

If you're in Paris on November 29 or 30, don't hesitate to drop by the Silver Valley stand and attend the debate. It's free!

You can register by clicking on this link.

Nov 23,

Emobot is at the Silver Economy Expo event - November 29 to 30, 2022, in Paris

Silver Economy Expo, Silver Economy Expo, here we come!
It's THE French annual meeting place for innovations and start-ups that will help meet the challenge of an aging population. Don't miss it, Emobot will present its solution for continuous care of the mental health of our seniors.

📅 #savethedate When ?
The event takes place from November 29 to 30, 2022.

📍 And where ?
At the Parc des expositions de la Porte de Versailles, in Paris - Pavillon 5.1. Meet us on Silver Valley's booth !

You can register for free by clicking on this link.

Nov 14,

Emobot will be at CES 2023 (January 5-8, 2023) - Part 2

The Île-de-France Region talks about Emobot!

"Emobot: this MedTech start-up based at the Paris Brain Institute (ICM) has developed a robot that wants to make you feel good. Thanks to artificial intelligence, Emobot offers a continuous monitoring of the emotional state. It can identify signals of behavioral changes over a long period of time and can alert medical staff to early signs of psycho-emotional disorders. A tool made available to nursing homes in particular and to families."

From January 5 to 8, 2023, Emobot will be exhibiting at CES 2023, the mythical tech show, alongside the Île-de-France Region at booth 61001 in the EurekaPark at the Venetian Expo G in Las Vegas! 🚀Their article is available here.

Oct 11,

Emobot joins iPeps, the Paris Brain Institute incubator.

iPEPS is the Paris Brain Institute’s startup incubator and the first innovation accelerator dedicated to brain diseases in France. Paris Brain Institute is a flagship program in France for brain disorders and a proud member of the IHU and Carnot networks.

iPeps opened its doors in 2012, in the heart of Paris and is dedicated to startups in MedTech/BioTech and digital health. Located in the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, one of Europe’s largest with more than 100 000 patients in neurology per year, it allows direct collaboration with top research teams specialized in brain diseases and privileged access to 10 state-of-the-art technological platforms.

We are still incubated in Station F! iPEPS partners on digital healthcare with Station F, the world's largest start-up campus.

June 24,

The group of EHPAD GCSMS Comete-Bretagne, new strategic partner of Emobot

GCSMS illustration

Emobot expands in the Brittany region by deploying 140 robots!

Emobot is proud to join forces with the Breton grouping GCSMS COMETE BRETAGNE of EMS, the Gerontopole and Living Lab (LL2V), as well as our partner CentraleSupélec, in order to innovate for our elders, and at the service of caregivers.

Emobot, together with its partners, has just submitted its application to the collaborative project Structure 3.0, organized by the Agence du numérique en santé (ANS).

June 21,

Our partner Bridge, network of nursing homes, talks about Emobot!

Why are you interested in Emobot?

"At Bridge, we are interested in the emotional and mental health of our residents. For example, the slippage syndrome, which is the sudden change in behavior of the elderly (withdrawal, mutism, lack of appetite, etc.), can be prevented and treated. With Emobot, we are equipping ourselves with a technological solution that allows us to have very effective attention from our residents by our caregivers. We are proud to support Emobot in its development and in the implementation of pilot projects in some of our establishments".

Charles Memoune, President of Bridge

Extract from the article published by Benoit Pelletier

June 17,

RadioFrance talks about Emobot!

Artificial intelligence and exoskeletons: the augmented human ? During one of her speeches, Orange CEO Christel Heydemann referred to the term "human augmented intelligence" rather than "artificial intelligence".

For some of the innovations presented, this is the case: the Emobot robot, for example, takes the form of a white sphere designed to help caregivers better understand the feelings of elderly or dependent people who have difficulty expressing their well-being or their discomfort.

By analyzing the person's face, the robot manages, thanks to algorithms, to carry out a "mental mapping" of the person and to help understand if this one feels well, or if on the contrary it presents signs of depression."

Extract from the article written by Julien Baldacchino, for RadioFrance

15 au 18 Juin 2022

Emobot was at Vivatech

Emobot, supported by the region and the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), was present on the Île-De-France region booth but also on the stand of the CCI Ile-de-France to present its robot and to make the public test Emobot through emotion analysis. The public was able to discover the monitoring of slippage syndromes, depression and anxiety.

TF1 and CentraleSupélec came to interview us. Discover Emobot with us in the video below!


We are supported by CentraleSupélec alumni!

We are the 1st winners among 32 at the beginning of the project contest organized by the CentraleSupélec engineering school alumni, a community of more than 45 000 alumni.
For CS Alumni, "Emobot is meaningful and socially useful".
We benefit from the support and advice of the CentraleSupélec alumni.

CS Alumni logo

We are exhibiting at VivaTech in June, come and meet us!

VivaTech is the annual European event dedicated to technological innovation and start-ups. We will have a booth with the Ile-De-France region and another one with the CCI Paris during the 4 days of the exhibition.

Come and discuss with us and test the robot!

Vivatech logo

We are incubated at Station F

We won the Pépite Start Up competition.
We are now part of the 10th promotion of the Pépite Start'up Île-de-France program at Station F, the world's largest incubator.

Come and visit us in our offices at Station F, in the 13th arrondissement of Paris

STATION F LogoPepite Start Up logo

Presentation of the prestigious Entrepreneurship Scholarship by the CentraleSupélec engineering school

Photo de la remise de la bourse CentraleSupélec

Incubated at CentraleSupélec's 21st incubator

CentraleSupélec, the first French engineering school, is part of the Université Paris-Saclay, the 13th largest university in the world.

We now have offices at the 21st incubator, close to the FabLab, where we prototype our products and build our assembly line.

Présentation de l'incubateur 21st

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